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Showing posts from March, 2020


Once upon a time, before the land became the land, and the waters became the waters. Everything was the heavens, and everyone lived in the heavens.  Many people saw this angel, and loved him. He was the handsomest angel in all the heavens. Everywhere he looked and walked he recieved compliments.  "Your wings are so white today, fellow angel."  "Your halo is so wide today, fellow angel."  "What is this new robe you have, fellow angel? I would like one." He responded with grace to each and every person and his smile brought joy all around. This angel loved to go to church and he was the joy of all that saw him. His name was Grace, and he loved to go to church. 


Once upon a time before the land became the land, and the waters became the waters. Everything was the heavens. And everyone lived in the heavens.  One day an angel was in the marketplace selling oranges. He sold oranges really well. So well that people said he could offer you the sun and the moon. And you would by it, though it was free for everyone to see, everyday. One day he tried to do just that. He met a pretty angel girl and said to her,  "If I could get you the sun and the moon, pull them down from the sky, and crush the pieces in your hair, would you buy it?"  "You are just talking." The angel said in response.  "I really could do it." He said.  "Thats fine if you could." She said.  They got married and lived happily ever after, and he didn't even need to pull down the sun and the moon. 

3. Prayers for Stations of the Way of the Cross

3rd Station: Jesus falls for the first time Leader:  We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you. All:  Because by your holy cross You have redeemed the world. Jesus, the cross you have been carrying is very heavy. You are becoming weak and almost ready to faint, and you fall down. Nobody seems to want to help you. The soldiers are interested in getting home, so they yell at you and try to get you up and moving again. As a child, sometimes I start to do something, but then get tired of it. I hurry to get finished and sometimes don't do my work well. Sometimes I don't pay attention to what I should be doing. When things get hard for me, sometimes I give up. As an adult, I sometimes put things off. I give up too easily, and sometimes don't do my work as well as I know I can. My Jesus, the heavy burden of my sins is on Thee, and bears Thee down beneath the cross. I loathe them, I detest them; I call on Thee to pardon them; may Thy grace aid me never more to commit th


Once upon a time. Before the land was the land. And the waters became the waters. Everything was the heavens. And everyone lives in the heavens. There was once an angel who loved animals. She loved them so much all the animals she kept were obese. She loved them and fed them all the time. She pet them and scratched all their itchy spots. One day her pet peacock got seriously ill. She did not know what to do. She was so upset. She took the peacock to Daniel, who loved animals just as much as she did. He looked at the peacock, and examined him all over. He found out what was wrong. "Here is the problem," Daniel said. He plucked a feather from the peacock's side. "This feather was causing him a lot of pain. Now he should get better." "Thank you so much!! I just love all my animals!!I don't know what to do if any of them had to go!! Thank you so much Daniel!!" The angel took her peacock back home and fed him special food until he recovered full


Once upon a time before the hell was called hell. It was called Gehennum, the place of rock. There was no molten lava, or fire. Or water. Just rock, and mountains of rock. There was one demon who had no house. He just stood still in one spot. Speaking to whoever would listen. He was called, Demon with no mouth. Because it was open all the time. One day he was speaking as usual to another demon passing by. The demon passing by asked when he thought the rain would come. "I do not know." Demon with no mouth said. A moment later it began to rain in hell. This was the first lava.


Once upon a time, before the land was the land. And the waters were the waters. Everything was the heavens and everyone resided in the heavens. There was an Angel picking vanilla flowers in the forest. Vanilla grew everywhere back then. in the forest and in the fieds. The valleys and the plains. They were not the prettiest flowers, but the scent they gave off made him feel calm and at ease. so he picked them wherever he went and kept flowers and seeds in his belt.

2. Prayers for Stations of the Way of the Cross

Second Station: Jesus Carries his Cross Leader:  We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you. All:  Because by your holy cross You have redeemed the world. Jesus, as you accepted your cross, you knew you would carry it to your death on Calvary. You knew it wouldn't be easy, but you accepted it and carried it just the same. As a child, sometimes I don't like the problems that come my way. Sometimes I try to get others to take care of them or solve them for me. Sometimes I become upset and crabby when I'm asked to do even the smallest thing to help others. As an adult I sometimes feel like I'm not appreciated. Sometimes I feel as if I accept more responsibility that I need to. I can feel sorry for myself, even though the crosses others carry are much larger than my own. In my self-pity, I don't reach out to help. My Jesus, Who by Thine own will didst take on Thee the most heavy cross I made for Thee by my sins, oh, make me feel their heavy weight, and weep fo

Collection of Books written by Saints

Saints Collection -Collection of Books written by Saints The Teaching of Christ The Gospel of Thomas The Confessions of Saint Augustine Evangelism Writings -Milpitas Bible Fellowship The Church of the Threshold Collection Jonathan Edwards Collection Palms of Elim: Rest and Refreshment in the Valleys Overwhelmed by Grace -Milpitas Bible Fellowship


Once upon a time before the land was the land and the waters became the waters, everything was the heavens, and everyone lived in the heavens.  There was an angel sitting in his garden. He looked down and laughed. He laughed and laughed.  "What is so funny?" His angel friend asked him.  "I saw a turtle pass by in the pond, his walk was so funny. It is good to seek joy in such things."  "Yes, it is."


Once upon a time, before the land became the land, and the waters became the waters. Everything was the heavens, and everyone lived in the heavens. Once there was an angel who really liked roses. He picked them all the time from the bushes and he would travel far and wide for the prettiest rose. Of course, all the roses looked the same. Then one day he found a white rose and pricked his finger. He bled all over the rose and it was stained red. I don't want this rose anymore, he thought to himself. So he left the rose there and continued picking other roses. Then another angel came behind him and saw the blood. He sniffed the rose and immediately was drawn to his scent. He started following the other angel and hid behind some trees to watch him. From this moment on this one angel followed the other angel. This is the story of Michael and Gabriel.


Once upon a time, before the land was the land. And the waters were the waters. Everything was the heavens, and everyone lived in the heavens. Once there was an angel who liked to play in the waters in the heavens. There were deep ponds and shallow ponds. Lakes and rivers. They had fish, frogs, snakes and eels. Everyone lived together happily. This angel was out playing in the pond, trying to catch frogs. They would always slip through his fingers but he liked playing with them anyway. Feeling their flesh squish between his fingers and seeing them leap around was the best part. There were hundreds of frogs to a pond, and when he played in their midst they would leap around everywhere. He had great fun. So much fun, he wanted to be a guardian angel of frogs when he grew up. Of course there is no guardian angel of frogs.

A story for Mumiah the angel

Once upon a time, there was a child wallowing in darkness. She walked in darkness, she ate in darkness, she slept in darkness and she drank in darkness. She lived like that for 50 years . She knew she wasn't blind, but she couldn't see anything at all. One day lightning struck and all of a sudden she was able to see. Lightning struck a second time and a third time. Then she had a candle appear next to her. An angel  had given her a candle and lit it. "Now you will have light. You can eat by the light, sleep by the light, drink by the light and walk by the light." "Thank you." She said to the angel. "Will you come back again to give me more things?" "Maybe."  Said the angel. Then he left.


Once upon a time before there was molten lava and fire in the hell, everything was rock. And there were mountains of rock. There was no water.  On this particular day, it was raining. It wasn't raining water, but raining little flecks of iron. The children liked to go outside in the iron to play and throw rocks at each other. It was great fun. On this day, one of the demon princes was passing by in his carriage. One of the rocks went straight through the paper carriage and hit him on his cheek.  "Ah! My beauty! Stop the carriage!" He left the carriage in a huff into the rain.  "Look at what you children have done to my beauty! I have an important meeting today, now my face is swollen!" The children laughed at him and continued playing.  "You wretches! I curse you with 1000 hours of torture and pain!" The children laughed some more and continued playing in the rocks. He went back to the carriage really upset.  "I'm really upset." He said t

1. Prayers for Stations of the way of the Cross

First Station: Jesus is Condemned to Death Leader:  We adore Thee, O Christ, and bless Thee. All:  Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world. Jesus, you stand all alone before Pilate. Nobody speaks up for you. Nobody helps defend you. You devoted your entire life to helping others, listening to the smallest ones, caring for those who were ignored by others. They don't seem to remember that as they prepare to put you to death. As a child, sometimes I feel alone. Sometimes I feel that others don't stand up for me and defend me when I am afraid. Sometimes I don't feel like I am treated fairly, especially if I am scolded or corrected. As an adult, sometimes I feel abandoned and afraid as well. Sometimes I too, feel like I am treated unfairly or blamed for things unfairly. I have a hard time when people criticize me at home or at work. Help me be grateful for what you did for me. Help me to accept criticism and unfairness as you did, and not complain. Hel


This story is a scary story. Before the hellfire was the hellfire. Burning hot and molten. At this time it was just all rock and mountains of rock. Still, there was no water. Just rock and mountains of rock. At this time the sun was out and red all over. The middle of the day. All the demons liked this time of day, so everyone was out of their houses. One of these demons wanted to go to visit his mother, but he had no clue where she was. He knew she would be out so there was no point going to her house. "Let me call her on the phone." He said. He went to the phone in the plaza. No one was using it. He went to the phone. Good thing I know her number, 01256. He dialed the number. "01256, I think." He said. He waited for her to pick up. She picked up the phone. "Who is this number!!!!" "Mom!!! It is I!! Your son!!! Incarnate!!!!" "Oh, yes son!! What is it." "Come to coffee with me!!!!!! I know good places!!!!!!" &


This is from the time before the land became land and the waters became the waters. Everything was the heavens, and everyone resided in the heavens. In the heavens, there are angels called the thrones that carry the throne of God. They are really strong and muscular. They support God in everything he does. One day a throne angel was in his house. He spilled something on the floor and had no idea how to clean it. He spilled his smoothie shake on the floor. It contained apricots, lichee, celery and pears. He really loved pears. He bought 100 pears everyday from the market and it was always gone in two days. So his shake spilled on the floor and he was very upset. "Aghh! My smoothie! By Jesus Christ!" How do I clean this, he thought to himself. I better go ask Holy Mother Mary. She knows how to clean. So he left the mess on the floor and went to go find Holy Mother Mary. She lived on the other side of the mountain, in the valley. She didn't like water, so she didn'


This was the time before the land became the land, and the waters became the waters. Everything was the heavens, and everyone lived in the heavens. In the heavens, there are angels called the Thrones. These angels are in charge of carrying God's throne. They are all really strong, with large muscles. One of these throne angels was arrogant. He thought himself better than all the other angels in the heavens. He was right, he did carry God's throne. Supporting God was all he did, all day. One day this throne angel was walking and got lost in the heavens. He called out for help but there were no other angels around to help him. He wandered about by himself. Maybe after an hour, he saw a rabbit. "Rabbit! Where am I! Show me the way!" The rabbit looked up startled, and said, "I do not know the way, I live here. My friend the racoon can show you the way, he is super smart." "Ok! Where is this racoon!" The rabbit hopped around and led him to the


Once upon a time, before the land became land, and before the waters became waters. There was only the heavens. And everyone lived in the heavens. This story is about a lamb. A pretty little lamb. With a pretty little face. She had pretty little toes, and a pretty little tail. This lamb was the first lamb born, to two sheep. So she was very special. One time she fell in a river, and she was saved my an angel passing by. "Be careful, little lamb. You are very special. The first lamb ever born." The little lamb nodded her pretty head in agreement, and wiggled her ears. The next time, the little lamb fell down a steep hill, rolling all the way down. Another angel stopped the rolling lamb, and picked her up. placing her back where she was. "Be careful little lamb. What if your coat got ruined." The little lamb nodded in agreement, and wagged her tail in happiness and joy. The next time, the little lamb fell into a ditch, and got dirt all over herself. An ang


Sometimes, you get thrown into a den of lions. This is exactly what happened to this angel, and he was completely unprepared. This was still before the Earth became land, and the waters became waters. Everything was still the heavens. And everyone lived in the heavens. An angel was walking one day and fell into a trap. This angel was captured by his fellow angel, and then thrown to his pet lion. "Why are you throwing me in here?" He asked. "Because my lion needs food, and you fell into my trap. This is called natural selection." "I don't know anything about that." He said. "Either way I don't want to be thrown to the lions."  "Either way, you shall." And so his fellow angel threw him in the lions pen. He hit the ground and fell, hurting his shoulder. "Ow," he said. He looked up and the lion was sleeping in the corner. This is a really old lion. Well, gotta figure out how to get out of here. He looked up.


Once upon a time. Before the land of the Earth was turned into land. And before the waters were made waters. Everything was just heavens, and everyone resided in the heavens. One of the angels was sitting making bread in his house. It was really quiet as it was five o'clock in the morning. He was baking his bread in his oven when all of a sudden his bread dissappeared from the oven. He looked in the oven at the correct time when it should have been done, but nothing was there. The angel closed the oven door. "Hmmph. What happened to the bread? I made it so nice with chocolate and raisins. I wonder what happened to it." He made some cereal for breakfast. And went about his work for the day. When he got home, he made some cookies. Really nice with chocolate, coffee, and cinnamon toast. Sprinkled all along the top. "I am really looking forward to these cookies." He said to himself. He left the room to answer the phone. Then he went to go check the oven. &q


There were pots of gold buried in Emperor Beelzebub's backyard. Everyone went looking for it. Only all they found was bones and skeletons. They all left him alone after that. All through the streets his name was heard. "Did you know? Did you hear?" "Emperor Beelzebub has skeletones and bones buried in his backyard. I wonder what else we could find." He laughed. Some people got together to ransack Emperor Beelzebub's land and see what else they could find. The first one went to Emperor Beelzebub's land and came away with boils all over his body. "I'm not going back," he told the people, "that land is cursed." So he never went back. Then a second person went to Emperor Beelzebub's land. He went and came back thinking he was fine. "I went and didn't find anything." "You didn't find anything?" The people said. The next day he noticed a fly following him around wherever he went. "I am not go


The next day the sun rose rose and set again. Anaconda and Cobra still did not know how to feed the baby. The baby was happy though. Playing in the dead skin Anaconda and Cobra shed every month. An angel appeared at the front of Anaconda and Cobra's house. "How did you guys get this baby. They are not easy to take care of." Cobra looked up from making vegetable soup for Anaconda. "I found him in the dirt! So I named him Dirt surrounded by green leaves in the forest!" "Oh ok. That makes sense I guess. I will show you how to feed the baby. Take these dead skins and crush them with your mill stone. Then put it in water and boil it. Wait until the water turns white, then you give that to the baby cold. Don't give the baby hot liquid or else he will have no mouth." "Why can't the baby have hot liquid,  Anaconda and I have hot liquid all the time." Anaconda came from where he was. "Don't interrupt the angel. Keep going, ho


There was a baby that was buried in the forest. The forest was really nice, with green trees and foliage all around. A snake saw the baby buried in the forest and climbed down from the tree to look at the baby. "Hmmph." She said. She climbed down and dug the baby up with her hands. She held the baby in her hands. "I will name you dirt, since I pulled you out of the dirt." She took the baby home to her husband. She showed her husband the baby. "Look what I found in the forest. I have named him Dirt." The husband came from what he was doing. "A name? If you gave the baby a name we have to give ourselves names too." "Ok," She said. "What shall we name ourselves?" "I will be named Anaconda, and you will be named Cobra." "Those names are bad!" She said. "I want a color added to it!" He looked at her. "If you have a color the baby needs a color too. What color is the baby?" "Let


Once upon a time, there was a boy and a girl. The girl went out a pair of bright shiny new shoes for the boy. She brought the shoes to him and said, "Look, I bought you new shoes." The boy opened the box and was amazed. "Thank you." He said. "Let me give you these shoes you bought for me to you." He grinned and his mouth was full of sharp teeth. The boys name was Cain. And the girl was his sister was Luluwa.