Bone Crusher, Bone Tenderizer and Bone Eater left Bone Tenderizer's house and went to the Lucifer statue. There were usually guards stationed there. Bone Tenderizer took lead. "We found something a couple days ago." He said to the guard. "We don't have time for you guys, what did you find?" The guard said. "We found an angel wandering in the hell. He's in my dungeon." Bone Tenderizer's father was a Lord of the Far East side of Hell. Esteemed but not too esteemed. "An angel huh, and the next thing you'll tell us is the sun is in the west." The guards laughed. "We're being serious." Bone Crusher said. "Show us where he is." One of the guards said. "We'll take him away if what you say is true." They led the guards to Bone Tenderizer's house. They saw the light from the stairs. They went further in. The light lit up the whole dungeon. The guards peered in the cell. They looked at each...