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First Glorious Mystery of the Holy and Blessed Mother Mary

 The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

At dawn of the first day of the week, I was with John and Peter. I was in my room alone: John and Peter were in the next room. I woke up. There was a light: it was all over the room. There was my Son: He came forward, He said to me, "Come, for you are the one worthy to be the first to see My risen body." The Lord permitted me to kiss His hand and to be embraced. The Lord in His glorified body in which He had the scars of the nail prints in His hands and feet and the scar of the lance in His side, was no longer the bleeding Son I saw on the way to Calvary: His body was full of light, a light that was emanating from His body. Jesus then said to me , "Do not, My mother, tell My disciples until I have sent Mary Magdelene because it is all in the plan of the Father. They will come to faith by seeing and touching. I have come to you because you have faith. Pray that My disciples will accept Me risen from the dead." Then He went away to appear to Mary Magdelene, to the women, and then to His disciples.

My children, the most precious gift you have is your faith. Your faith must not be hidden: your faith must be your main motivation in your life. Cast away all doubt by prayer: give yourselves totally to Jesus Who will illuminate your mind and heart through the power of the resurrection.


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