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Showing posts from June, 2020

The Third Joyful Mystery Of Our Holy and Blessed Mother Mary

The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ Joseph and I came to Bethlehem because there was a decree that all should go to their ancestral town to be registered. In obedience, Joseph and I went. God even used the oppression of the Roman government to bring about your salvation: because in this time of oppression, my Son, your Savior, was born. We looked for a place but there was no room in the inn: the town was so full. What was offered us was a stable not too far from where the shepherds were guarding their flock. It was soon that my Son was born: that the King of Kings would be born a pauper. It was soon that the very Word would be made flesh. Joseph left me in the stable and went outside for a while thinking that he was not worthy to be present at such a great miracle. While he was thinking, the moment came when my Son was introduced to the world. Because of the immensity of Love that the Lord had filled me with, I felt no pain at His birth. There was pure joy at the coming of my Son. I

The Second Joyful Mystery of Our Holy and Blessed Mother Mary

The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth As soon as I realized by Gabriel's message that Elizabeth, my cousin, who had been barren for a long time and who was yet now old, had nonetheless conceived, I was prompted by God's grace to go to help her in her need. She was in her sixth month: I went from Nazareth to Judea. I was only pondering the message that the angel had given me. It all seemed so wonderful that God would use me for His kingdom; for His glory. As I arrived at Zechariah's house, I greeted Elizabeth. I had heard that Zechariah had become mute: he had doubted the Lord: he doubted that God could work a miracle in his life. As I entered and greeted Elizabeth, Elizabeth shouted for joy and said, "Blessed are you among all women and blessed is the fruit of your womb. Who am I that the Mother of my Lord should come to me." Out of Elizabeth's mouth came the confirmation of Gabriel's message: that I had conceived the Son of God and later all ages were to pr


Once upon a time, before the heavens were the heavens, and the land was the land. Everything was the heavens, and everyone lived in the heavens.  An angel was just waking up on a beautiful, Uriel's day.  The sun streamed through his window and shone on his hardwood floors. He got out of bed, and put on his slippers. He shuffled through his house and went to the fridge. What should I have for breakfast? He thought to himself. He went to his cupboard. I guess I'll make some cereal. He had some Special K cereal he bought a while ago. Limited edition, so it had strawberries and bananas. Usually in paradise they just had the cucumber kind. He poured himself some cereal and milk. Then he got a spoon. He sat at his kitchen table, and ate breakfast. It was super delicious. 


Once upon a time, before the heavens were the heavens, and before the land was the land. Everything was the heavens and everyone lived in the heavens.  An angel decided to go shopping today in the marketplace. On his way he saw his friend, Saint Christopher.  "How are you doing today Saint Christopher?"  "I am doing good, thank you Kirel."  "I am going to shop in the marketplace today, do you want to come?" Saint Christopher thought about it a moment. He did need to pick up some cabbage and soup mix.  "Alright, I will come with you. I need to buy some cabbage and soup mix."  "Haha, soup mix?" You should use a real chicken you know, not that processed stuff." Saint Christopher thought a moment.  "Yes, you are right." They went to go shopping in the marketplace together. They reached the stores and wandered around, looking at the items being sold.  "Do you need anything from here?" Saint Christopher asked.  "


Once upon a time before the heavens were the heavens, and the land was the land, everything was the heavens, and everyone lived in the heavens.  On this particular day in the heavens it was this particular angel's birthday, so he invited his friends over to celebrate. He swept his whole house and cleaned all of his counters. He set out some food for his friends for when they would arrive. Bowls of grapes and cucumbers, and honeydews. His favorite fruit was plums, but they were all out in the store. Plums were always hard to find.  His friends began to arrive. His friend, Jazeriel was first to arrive with his friend Lunel.  "Happy Birthday Lionel!"  "Happy Birthday Lionel!" They both said. They brought along some presents with them.   "Thank you, Jazerial, Lunel! Thanks for coming!" They came in and put the present on the counter.  "How have you been Lionel, what do you wish for yourself on this new year?"  "I wish to have more time off,


Once upon a time before the heavens were the heavens, and the land was the land, everything was the heavens, and everyone lived in the heavens.  An angel left his house to go take a walk. It was stuffy inside, and he needed some exercise. He decided to stretch his wings for a bit and go to the lake of shining waters. He went over to the lake and found it empty, except for a few other angels. He landed on the sand, and walked along the waters edge. It was early morning, and the sun was just rising. the sunrise looked beautiful. With it's orange and yellow. There a pale line of blue just above the water. Signifying the sun had risen. He took a long walk along the water and felt the sea rush over his feet. His sandals were getting wet, but it was nice. The last few days were hot. It was a nice day. 


Once upon a time, before the hell was called hell. It was called Gehennum. It was a place of rock, and mountains of rock. There was no fire, and no lava. Just rock, and mountains of rock.  There was a demon name Takdiel. He liked to go shopping in the market. He was at the market today, just like any other day. Today he was buying some fine sand for his fish. He like to change his pet fishes sand every month or so. He saw a demon selling some orange sand from the beaches.  "What beach did you get this sand from?" The demon smiled. His teeth were red, like his skin.  "I got it from the west side! Brand new!" He felt the sand. It was prickly, but didn't stick to his fingers like other sand did.  "I like this sand."  "Do you! It is from the sand of the west, it used to have molten lava all over, the ground was still hot. The sand was black in the beginning, then after the black sand blew away, it was brown, then after that orange. It will be yellow w


Once upon a time before the hell was called hell, it was called Gehennum. A place of rock, and mountains of rock. There was no fire, and no lava. Just rock, and mountains of rock.  There was a demon walking with his friend one day, Ariel's day this time. They were walking and then they got lost. They were surrounded by large protruding rock, from the ground. And there were pebbles on the ground. Not stone that they were used to. It got stuck under their nails.  "Where are we?" The demon said. His friend looked around.  "I don't know." He said. "Let's keep walking, and turn at the corner." They kept walking and turned at the corner. There they saw another demon laying on the ground. They looked at him laying there.  "Do you think this demon is injured?" The first demon said.  "Maybe." He said. He walked closer to the demon on the ground. He bent at his knees.  "Are you injured?" The first demon said. There was no re


Once upon a time, before the hell was called hell, it was called Gehennum. It was all rock, and mountains of rock. There was no fire, and no lava. Just rock, and mountains of rock.  Today was Gabriel's day in the Gehennum. A popular day, and everyone was out. Talking, and meeting people on the center square. A couple of demons were sitting on the protruding rocks from the ground that were large.  "What do you want to do today?" He said. "Everyone is out."  "I don't know." The other demon said. "Let's sit and smoke."  "Alright." He said. He went into his pockets.  "I have this smoke made from the hell on the left side." "What does it taste like?" The other demon said.  "Just some air." 


Once upon a time before hell was called hell, it was called Gehennum. There was no fire. Only rock, and mountains of rock. No lava, no water. Just rock, and mountains of rock.  There was a demon, very pretty for a demon. Only two horns, and some spikes on his tail. His nails were long, and black. He went to the store in hell. He needed to buy some perfume, he took care of his appearance very well. He looked around at the scents they had. Lavender, was too strong, and too feminine. Vanilla was too light, and would attract bugs. Musk was nice, but his friend wore that. He saw a yellow looking scent and brought it to the demon at the front.  "What scent is this?" He asked. the demon took the small bottle. He opened it and smelled it.  "It smells nice," He said, "It's chamomile." "Okay, I'll buy it." He gave the demon some bottle caps.  "Thank you, come again." The demon smiled. No teeth.