The Exalted or Praised God The ocean is blue, cool air flows across my face. The smell of salt, is soothing. The sky is blue, with fluffy clouds. Yesterday there was a rainbow. God the Refuge The sand is smooth, and hot. It burns my feet as I walk. It is tan, and yellow. Closer to the water, the sand, is brown and wet. Seagulls fly bothering everyone, with their noise. The God Sung Above All In the northeast, there are a lot of forests. Green, Brown, Black and White. Sometimes you find mushrooms, and fungi. It looks wet, and smells wet. Logs are on the forest floor. Small white flowers grow nearby. And moss is on the trees. God the Protector and Savior I saw a deer once when camping, It had rained the night before, Everything in the forest was wet. He stood for a moment and looked up, At the disturbance, Then continued grazing. Eating wet grass. The Comforting God Have you ever smelled, Bitter, cold, air? It hurts your nose. And you ca...