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Showing posts from May, 2020

Poems for Lilith (11-20)

The Exalted or Praised God The ocean is blue, cool air flows across my face. The smell of salt, is soothing. The sky is blue, with fluffy clouds. Yesterday there was a rainbow. God the Refuge The sand is smooth, and hot. It burns my feet as I walk. It is tan, and yellow. Closer to the water, the sand, is brown and wet. Seagulls fly bothering everyone, with their noise. The God Sung Above All In the northeast, there are a lot of forests. Green, Brown, Black and White. Sometimes you find mushrooms, and fungi. It looks wet, and smells wet. Logs are on the forest floor. Small white flowers grow nearby. And moss is on the trees. God the Protector and Savior I saw a deer once when camping, It had rained the night before, Everything in the forest was wet. He stood for a moment and looked up, At the disturbance, Then continued grazing. Eating wet grass. The Comforting God Have you ever smelled, Bitter, cold, air? It hurts your nose. And you ca

Poem for Lucifer

Summertime Birds sing, in the summertime. Snow falls in the wintertime. Their noise disturbs my rest. But I don't feel, perturbed. They make me feel my best. Trees are bare, covered in snow. I live in care, The ice is my foe.

First Joyful Mystery of Our Holy and Blessed Mother Mary

The Anunciation of Our Lord to Mary I was in prayer: it was evening. I was praying towards Jerusalem because my people prayed three times a day, morning, noon, and evening facing Jerusalem. I was praying for the Liberation of my people. I was praying that soon the Messiah would come to take away all hatred: to take away all sins from my people. As I was praying, there suddenly appeared an angel. At first I was afraid because it was the first time an angel had ever come to me. When I heard him say "Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you" I was very confused at this greeting and yet I was very humbled that an angel would call me full of grace: that I had gained favor from God: that I was called to bear His Son. I asked the angel how this could happen? I am a virgin: I had intended to be a virgin the rest of my life even though I agreed to live with Joseph. The angel assured me, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you: the shadow of the Most High will enwrap you and the chi

7. Prayers for the Stations of the Way of the Cross

Seventh Station: Jesus falls for the Second Time Leader:  We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you. All:  Because by your holy cross You have redeemed the world. This is the second time you have fallen on the road. As the cross grows heavier and heavier it becomes more difficult to get up. But you continue to struggle and try until you're up and walking again. You don't give up. As a child, sometimes things get me down. Others seem to find things easier to do or to learn. Each time I fail, I find it harder to keep trying. As an adult, sometimes I think I should know more than I do. I become impatient with myself and find it hard to believe in myself when I fail. It is easy to despair over small things, and sometimes I do. Help me when things seem difficult for me. Even when it's hard, help me get up and keep trying as you did. Help me do my best without comparing myself with others. My Jesus, often have I sinned and often, by sin, beaten Thee to the ground beneath the cr

Fifth Sorrowful Mystery of Our Holy and Blessed Mother Mary

5. The Crucifixion of Our Lord When we had finally reached Mount Calvary, my Son was thrown on the cross after being stripped naked in front of the crowd. They drove spikes through His hands and feet and yet the Lord gave me the strength to withstand the sight of my Son being nailed on the cross and literally butchered by the soldiers. They lifted the cross to its place, and then my Son hung there for three hours. I heard my Son say, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they're doing." Jesus prayed for His enemies and pleaded for their ignorance: He also pleaded for your ignorance. There were two thieves crucified with Jesus, one on His right and the other on His left, and to the repentant thief He promised paradise. Finally He looked at me and at John: He told me, "Woman, behold your Son" and to John, "Behold your mother." My spiritual motherhood is Jesus' gift to you: Jesus gave me to His disciples and to the whole Church to be mothe

6. Prayers for the Stations of the Way of the Cross

Sixth Station: Veronica wipes the Face of Jesus   Leader:  We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you. All:  Because by your holy cross You have redeemed the world. Jesus, suddenly a woman comes out of the crowd. Her name is Veronica. You can see how she cares for you as she takes a cloth and begins to wipe the blood and sweat from your face. She can't do much, but she offers what little help she can. As a child, sometimes I know someone could use a little help and understanding. They may be picked on or teased by others, or just sad or lonely. Sometimes I feel bad that others don't step in to help, but I don't help either. As an adult, I notice the needs around me. Sometimes my own family members crave my attention, and I don't even seem to notice. Sometimes a co-worker, friend, or family member could use help or understanding, but I don't reach out to help lest I be criticized, or that they demand more of me than I'd like to give. My tender Jesus, Wh