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Showing posts from April, 2020

Fourth Sorrowful Mystery of Our Holy and Blessed Mother Mary

4. Jesus carried the Cross That Friday, that first Good Friday, Jesus, my Son, after He was scourged and was crowned with thorns, was given a cross to carry through the streets of Jerusalem all the way to Mount Calvary where they had crucified others. He carried the cross through the same streets which He had come triumphantly the Sunday before. The people who cried "Hosanna" now cried "Crucify Him." I was there along the way and I met my Son: His face all beaten, all covered with blood from His bleeding head, tired and dirty, and yet our eyes met. Our eyes filled with love for each other. Both of us knew that it was totally unavoidable that He should go through this agony for the salvation of the world. The weight of the cross on Jesus' body was not as heavy as the weight of the sins of the world on His soul. Out of obedience to His Father, Jesus continued the journey until He reached Calvary. He met a group of women who were weeping and He said to them: "

5. Prayers for the Stations of the Way of the Cross

Fifth Station: Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry his cross Leader:  We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you. All:  Because by your holy cross You have redeemed the world. Jesus, the soldiers are becoming impatient. This is taking longer than they wanted it to. They are afraid you won't make it to the hill where you will be crucified. As you grow weaker, they grab a man out of the crowd and make him help carry your cross. He was just watching what was happening, but all of a sudden he is helping you carry your cross. As a child, sometimes I see people who need my help. Sometimes I pretend not to hear when my parents call me. I disappear when I know others could use my help. As an adult, sometimes I try to do as little as I can and still get by. Others might need my help, but I ignore their needs. Even when I'm asked to help, I sometimes claim to be too busy. My Jesus, blest, thrice blest was he who aided Thee to bear the cross. Blest too shall I be if I aid Thee to

Third Sorrowful Mystery of Our Holy and Blessed Mother Mary

3. Jesus is Crowned with Thorns After the scourging, my Son was led to the praetorium where the soldiers wanted to further amuse themselves. They took some twine filled with thorns and made a skull like cap. They placed the cap on the head of Jesus and pressed causing the thorns to penetrate His scalp until He began to bleed. Then they put a reed in His hand and they knelt before Him and they mocked Him and said to Him, "All Hail, King of the Jews," and they spit in His face, they hit His head with the reed, they slapped His face, and plucked His beard. Jesus continued to say nothing. He received it all. My children, Jesus still receives a crown of thorns from many. It is normal for Jesus to be mocked by His enemies but it is more painful when Jesus is mocked by His own people. Even today, my children, Christians mock Him by living in mortal sin, by receiving Communion in mortal sin, by not believing the truth contained in the scriptures which is the word of God. My children,

Second Sorrowful Mystery of Our Holy and Blessed Mother Mary

2. The Scourging at the Pillar  My Son was sent to Pilate after being judged by the Jewish authorities, I was there in spirit: I heard Pontius Pilate as he came out to talk to the crowd. He said: "I find no fault in this Man worthy of death: so I will have Him scourged: then I will set Him free." Pilate said this to placate the crowd because he knew my Son was innocent of all the accusations that they were throwing at Him. Pilate sent my Son to be scourged: He was whipped. The normal procedure was to be whipped thirty-nine times. My Son was whipped furiously: the demons took possession of the soldiers. All the anger of hell was vented out on my Son. At that moment, I asked the Father to spare my Son from dying at the scourging and the Father answered my prayer: and still the soldiers that scourged my Son were filled with the very hatred of hell itself. That was the reaction they had to the purity of my Son. When Jesus received all this scourging for the love of you, it was be

4. Prayers for the Stations of the Way of the Cross

Fourth Station: Jesus Sees his Mother Leader:  We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you. All:  Because by your holy cross You have redeemed the world. Jesus, you feel so alone with all those people yelling and screaming at you. You don't like the words they are saying about you, and you look for a friendly face in the crowd. You see your mother. She can't make the hurting stop, but it helps to see that she is on your side, that she is suffering with you. She does understand and care. As a child, sometimes I feel like too many things are going on. Sometimes other kids pick on me and call me names. I need to look around me for a friendly face, and for the help I need. I need to share my troubles with those who truly care about me. As an adult I sometimes feel overwhelmed by many things. Life is so competitive, and I worry so much about my future and those who have some control over it. I need to remember that being an adult does not mean having to solve every problem all by myse

Poems for Lilith: Mother (1-10)

The Exalting God To exalt is to exclaim,  love To exalt is to exemplify motherhood Giving birth to many children, chiding and chastising.  Loving your children, is your best quality.  Exemplify motherhood.  The Helping God To help is to be a helper, helpfully  sweeping and swiffering all night  and all day.  Helpfully preparing complacently and  confidently,  docile.  The God of Hope  The grass shines and sways in the light It is so bright The sun shines, during the day It must be May.  The Hidden, The Concealed God Where, are you my mother?  Are you washing laundry?  Are you reading a book? Are you doing dishes?  Are the dogs barking outside your window? Ruff!Ruff! Bark!Bark! God, The Savior Unicorns ride outside, Dragons play today, My mother holds bags breaking with  groceries. Go get them please.  Chimeras cremate The Phoenix bird, swerves My mother makes her favorite smoothie shake. 


Once upon a time before the hell was called hell. It was called Gehennum. There was no lava, no fire and no water. Everything was rock and just mountains of rock.  One of the demons was sitting outside on Gabriel's day. He sat outside and waited for the fair to start. It started at 6pm. When 6pm came he walked over to where the fair was held. There were some people already there. He got in line as well. When he got inside he went on the ferris wheel. He went on the ferris wheel first because he liked the scenery. He could see all the mountains of hell. Then he got off the ferris wheel and got some cotton candy from the stand. He chatted a bit with the demon selling the cotton candy. Then he went to get on more rides. He rode two more rides. Then went home. 


Once upon a time before the hell was the hell, it was called Gehennum. There was just rock and mountains of rock. There was no lava, no fire, and no water.  The feast day of Gabriel lasted two days. This time the demon went to his father's house. He went to his father's house, and knocked on the door.  "It is I, Father. Your son, the 6th one." He opened the door.  "The 6th son, hmmph. Where are all my other children!"  "I don't know."  "Okay, well come in anyway, Encrusted." Encrusted came in and sat down at the dinner table.  "What are we eating on Gabriel's day, Father."  "I didn't make anything special. I just made turkey with tumeric, and lettuce."  "Okay, sounds good." The father set the table and got forks and cups for them both. He got the food and then he sat down. They ate the food. 


Once upon a time before the hell was called hell. It was called Gehennum, it was a place of rock. Just rock and mountains of rock. No lava, no fire, no water.  On this particular day in the hell there was feasting. The demons celebrated too, the day of Gabriel. A well known angel. The Warrior of God. So the demons celebrated.  This particular demon went to his mom's house. She was cooking spaghetti with clams and rocks from the Himalayas. The rocks were really hard to find, not easy to get. Before the feast day even happened she started preparing a month before. She had to go to the Himalayas, which was very far away. And then carry rocks, all the way back home. So this demon went to his mother's house for dinner. They ate food together and drank orange juice. 


Once upon a time, before the heavens were the heavens and the land was the land, everything was the heavens and everyone lived in the heavens.  On this particular day in the heavens it was a feast day. Commemorating the great accomplishments of the angel Gabriel. All the angels were joyful. And all the angel's laughter could be heard. One angel separated herself from the crowd and found a shady spot to sit in. She lay her back against a tree and shifted her wings comfortably. Her halo was shiny and bright on this feast day. She had no worries at all. All of a sudden the tree spoke to her.  "O angel! What are you doing so happy and bright today?!" "O tree, blessed among the trees! Today is the feast day of the angel Gabriel! Mighty and Strong! Everyone is celebrating."  "Oh Good! Even I have heard of this mighty angel Gabriel! Enjoy the day of feasting!" The tree promptly fell back asleep. And the angel sat back under the tree. 

First Sorrowful Mystery of Our Holy and Blessed Mother Mary

1.  Agony of Jesus in the Garden My Son came with His apostles to the mount of Olives. There was a garden there that He frequently went to pray: He felt a sadness; a deep, deep sadness. He felt lonely: my Son in His humanity felt a deeper sadness than anyone could ever feel because He was pure of heart: He was sinless. He took His closest friends, Peter whom He was to give charge of the Church, James, and John. John was the one who was going to take care of me after Jesus had risen from the dead. Jesus said to them: My heart is sorrowful to the point of death: stay here and pray and keep watch while I go and pray by Myself." Jesus went over further to pray: He wanted to pray by Himself. He wanted to pour out His heart to His Father as I often have seen Him do with His prayer. My Son always prayed continuously to His Father: He always looked to the Father for His consolation. During the time He prayed, He saw all the agony He was going to suffer: and the agony was not so much th